October recap: Clear market need and exciting advances for ScaffSense

Once again, reality shows that Scaffsense products are needed in the market to increase safety and drive efficiency on construction sites around the world. A few weeks ago, a scaffolding outside Bilbao, Spain collapsed because of the storm Kirk’s advance. Fortunately, no people were killed, but large capital values were lost, and the construction project was halted pending the accident investigation and the reconstruction of new scaffolding.

Recent scaffolding collapse in Santona Spain, Oct 9, 2024.

Likely, Scaffsense’s© warning system could have avoided failure, and made sure that the scaffolding installation had been “storm-proofed” with the right number of wall brackets in time for the storm’s arrival. Unfortunately, climate change seems to generate both more storms numerically and more energy-intensive storms in the future, which is another reason to use ScaffSense© products.


Lots of advances in October

Furthermore, October has been a very eventful month in Scaffsense’s young history, as the company has carried out several activities that further mature the company’s products ahead of launch, as well as the initial establishment of a local footprint in some of the company’s initial strategic markets in addition to Sweden. 

We currently have two test sites up and running nationally where we continue to develop and verify our products and services with various applications together with potential future partners. As previously mentioned, the company’s products work regardless of which scaffolding manufacturer is used, and our current test sites are set up with HAKI and Layher scaffolding equipment.

Ongoingpilot test in the south part of Sweden, 9000 m2 scaffolding layout

Showcasing ScaffSense in new markets

We have also showcased our products outside of Sweden, both at Stillasdagene ’24 in Oslo, Norway and via initial talks with a potential partner in Spain. Both countries see great need and value for our products and services, and I hope we will be able to launch in these countries in the first half of 2025.

Martin Elovsson
CEO ScaffSense AB

Other news from ScaffSense

New CEO to bring ScaffSense to the market

After the successful first pilot test of ScaffSense, the world’s first smart stability alarm for scaffolding, the company is now intensifying its efforts by recruiting Martin Elovsson as the new CEO. Kebni and the scaffolding company Solideq are behind the initiative.

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